- Act fast - the first rule out there is whenever you see a beautiful girl that catches your eye, act immediately within a few seconds. You will be forgiven for doing something stupid, saything something stupid or saying nothing special, but your chances drop to zero if you do nothing, stand back and stare at her from time to time, and undecisevely approach her later.
- Talk to girls - the best way to date girls is to initiate conversations with girls whenever possible. Talk to them even if you are not specifically trying to pitch them, just be an attractive person to talk to and you'll feel extremely comfortable being with a girl. Being confident pays big time because women don't like wimps, they look for men who are ready to provide and confidence signals that.
- Art of talking - you spend 90% of time together with a girl talking, so your conversational skills are important. The art of seduction teaches that the most important thing to lay a girl is, first, to get her thinking about something good, about positive feelings, her positive experiences and achievements, and later to drive the conversation to get her thinking about sex.
- Keywords - some claim the best way to make a woman hot with talk is to scatter your language with sexual keywords, even if the talk is not about sex. Play with positive and sexual words like "great, best, top, good, together, us, connection, ride, inside, enter, penetrate".
- Thoughts - a woman will want sex if she has been thinking sexual thoughts. That can be used or misused. But the idea is if you have established good contact with a woman or simply want to make your girlfriend hot and horny, you have to make her start thinking about sex. Don't get me wrong she will love it, as sex following the state of arousal is much greater for women as compared to sex without arousal. You can be sure of one thing - if you tell a woman dirty jokes, tell her some sex stories, or watch together sex video and she is still there with you not breaking the contact, then she is thinking about sex and chances are she is pretty wet, admitting it or not.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
How to seduce a woman, make her horny?
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Q & A: How to Use Mystery to Attract a Woman
My problem is, I’m separated from my wife and it's putting her off. I need to know how to make her jealous without making it obvious and also how to eventually win her heart.
Maybe she feels I’m not to be trusted cause I’ve cheated on girls before. I know she feels the same but I don’t want to make a fool of myself. Thanks...
A. Hello,
Well, you could get back with the ex and have the best sex of your life – that’d make her jealous! No, I think there’s a better way.
I think you really want to do two things:
1) Make her jealous; and,
2) Change her mind about you, your ex and your past.
If you just go out and start banging a bunch of women and make it obvious, she's going to think you're a player, which will just put her off even further.
On the other hand, if you just seem to be busy - and aren't around when she calls or wants to talk, her feminine mind will start working and you'll have the power you're looking for. So, do this:
1) Be scarce. Don't answer the phone, and take at least a few days to call her back.
2) Never answer the phone, or make return calls to her on the weekends - after all, you're busy, right?
3) Always cut any conversation with her short by saying, "Oh, sorry - I have to run. I'll call you later... bye." [click!]
4) Talk about the great time you had with a "friend" the other night. Don't specify the sex of this "friend".
5) When you are out with her, have fun! Make your time with her something to remember – but don’t hesitate to flirt a little with other women too. Bring them in and make the part of the party!
Finally, for God's sake - don't talk about your wife with this woman other than to say how much you’re over her! Every time you bring her up in a positive vein, you're just confirming her greatest fear - that she's still in the picture. No woman wants to have to compete with that!
Q & A: How To Handle A “Dry Spell”
Is it really a numbers game like they say? I'd like to get back on the right track as quick as possible!
Thanks Doc!
A. Hello,
This is actually quite common. You're going to have the feast/famine scenario pretty regularly, but that's not a bad thing - if you make use of the feast side of things and plan for the famine.
The trick is to gather numbers when the gettin' is good, and to harvest those numbers when things get slim. Remember that you want to space things out a little bit so that you’re not calling women back before a week anyway. If you play things right, you can actually make contact with them and put them back another 2 weeks, make contact again, etc. You can only do this about 3-4 times before she’s going to go crazy wondering if you’re ever going to actually meet her however!
Further, yes - you're going to find that many women you meet are either crazy, demanding, game-playing, claim to already be hooked up, (even though they just spent the last 40 minutes flirting with you), or just down-right bitches! This is just the rule of the game. You won't know these things until after you call them back, so be ready. These are the hazards...
Q & A: Will we ever be the same again?
I have been dating this girl since the end of May, everything was great we have fun we laugh and we have a lot of intimate times together, not always sex but very enjoyable. About two weeks ago her ex came into town and she went to go hang out with him two nights in a row, she said she had some issues to clear up with him. Well the weekend passed he left but our level of intimacy has gone from 10 to a 1.
We spoke about what happened and she said that she was no longer in love with him and she now sees that they could not be together. They are just friends, she said that nothing happened. Ever since then we haven't even kissed for more than 30 seconds.
This past weekend I did something that I never do I asked her to come back to my place to be intimate, she said maybe and the night ended up me taking her home and thats it. I have tried to get close to her without any luck. I dont want to seem like a a-hole guy and say something stupid. So can you please help me? I need some advice."
A. "Whew! That was close, dude! I'm glad you sought out help before you wallowed too long in this unhealthy pool of delusion. Okay, here's the Bottom Line: It sounds like she got together with him again (slept with him, had sex, the Horizontal Bop) and now she's regretting it. Hence, her comment about them not being able to "be together." She's saying that the loving was good, but the drama was too much, even for her. (Yeah, I know she said "nothing happened", but if you believe that, I've got some quality real estate to sell you.)
Time for a little tough-love. (But you came here because you are strong, smart, and willing to change, right?) So here it is:
You are her rebound. For you to make it through this, you will have to be ten times as challenging to her so that you will overcome her attachment to the previous guy. HOWEVER, the reality is that you can hold NO hopes of actually raising the intimacy back up to the "10" it once was. Why? Because her "10" interest in you was only created by her romantic female desire for a new Prince Charming to come fill in the void left by the old guy.
The Total Bottom line: If she's gone from a 10 to a 1, she's telling you that you need to be moving on. She's (unwittingly) stringing you along because you're her convenient new puppy to help her get over the last big dog. (Two kinds of love for women: Doberman she has sex with and stays with, and the sad little Beagle she walks around the block -- until the next Doberman shows up.)
Here's the unhappy pattern that will be set in motion. See if it sounds familiar: Her unavailability (i.e., CHALLENGE) will stimulate your nervous system to chase her. She will then sense your clinging and desperation, and she'll pull even further away, leaving you to panic and chase her even faster, as she runs even faster from you ...
And the downward spiral has begun. And we know where it always ends, don't we?
This is harsh, but it's a wet slap of reality that you'll thank me for later: Drop her, NOW. If not sooner. It's the only way you'll stand a chance. The only sure-fire cure for this kind of rebound dementia is to get out there and DATE OTHER WOMEN.
Don't be a Sad Little Beagle (AKA: Masturbates Alone) who sits around with her as she weeps through another viewing of 'Fried Green Tomatoes' or 'Thelma and Louise.' If you're not her intimate sex-buddy, you're just a friend. And in the process you're killing your self-confidence and posture.
If you want to turn the tables (and you'll have to in order to get this woman's head turned back to you) then you'll have to give her a little Doberman action. Ask yourself what you would do if you had lost interest in this gal. You would probably first drastically reduce your availability to her. If she calls, you are just on your way out and you'll call her back. If you are making a date with her (or already have), make it then break it. With no explanation. And, finally, you need to show her a bit of unpredictability. Keep her guessing, about what you're doing and with whom you are doing it. The less she knows, the more mysterious you are in her eyes, and this will engage her attraction.
Most guys would hesitate to use such tactics because they feel that it is mistreating her. Not so! You are only demonstrating to her that she is not your focus (and you are not her tool), and this is absolutely necessary for you to exert your independence and earn her respect.
Here's your love meditation for the week: When a woman gets out of the pool, she's looking for the closest towel. But ask yourself, what happens when she's dry?"
Q & A: Working Women From The Inside
When I ask her if there is a possibility for us to be together, she said yes. We spend a lot of time together at my place talking about all kinds of different things, like for instance she will tell me all about her boyfriend and how possessive he is.
I do think about making a move on her, but I am scared I will destroy our friendship and I just couldn't take that. Even if I can make a move I do not know how to do it.
Could you please give me some advice on how to go about getting her into bed and if it is a good idea for me to make a move in the first place? She doesn't spend much time with her so-called boyfriend because she is either with me or at work. She may just be pulling my leg about all this boyfriend thing.
Please help me out!
A. It looks like she's got you by the short-curly hairs!
You see, she holds all the cards and controls everything. Further, she is getting everything SHE wants from your relationship. Because you're scared of losing her as a friend (or whatever!), you are just willing to take what she gives you.
My brother - this is no way to live! If you are satisfied with this, then you don't need my advice. If you're not satisfied with it, they you have to be willing to lose her friendship in order to get what YOU want. After all, if she isn't willing to go where you want - what is she really doing in your life in the first place, other than keeping you from meeting "Ms. Right"?
So, here's what you have to do. First, stop being her friend! That's right! You see, women organize men into two categories: boyfriend material and everyone else. Making the transition from one to the other is very, very difficult, but it can be done.
The first step is to stop treating her like your friend! Consider this - women don't make good friends for guys. Why not? For exactly the reasons you've already found. She comes to you when her boyfriend isn't around and talks to you about him! When she needs something, she goes to you; not him. If she wants to borrow money, it's you again, etc.
Many men make this same mistake - they think they can "work it from the inside". That is, they can build a relationship up from being a friend to something else. Chad - it can't be done. You've got to get over this!
Ok, so what do you do? First, you've got to get scarce - and do it abruptly. Stop returning her calls immediately (if she even calls you!) and get yourself busy doing anything and everything else! Especially, don't be around on weekends. If she calls, let it go to the answering machine - that's what it's for. You can return your friend's calls immediately if you want to, but let her wait a few days.
When you do call her, (in a few weeks), ask her out for dinner or a drink. Now, here's the important part: act like it's a date! Forget you were friends and start ACTING like a boyfriend. When she questions this, just tell her that YOU are ready to move on to something more mature.
Q & A: How to Make a Woman Bow Down to You
The funny thing is that so far I hadn’t met ANY resistance with her...none. Talking to her...no problem. Got her number...that was easy. Setting the date up...easy! No problems! Now on the "date"...there WAS a problem! Maybe you can figure out the problem because I'm lost!
You see, I didn’t frame it as a "date" but rather I set up a "get together". I always do that. She was there on time where we were to meet which was the mall and we did some shopping. When we first met my original plan was to go to this place that has an arcade, a bowling alley, ice-skating, and put-put golf. It sounded like fun to me! But she said she wanted to stay at the mall and that was fine because that was my second option. Plus she bought some things while she was there. So I had two possible plans in place.
We shared a few laughs and there was some kino going on. Not a whole lot but enough to keep it interesting. We talked a lot (well, I let her do most of the talking) and everything was going smooth until...
Her dreaded cell phone rang and it was some guy that asked her to meet her somewhere! She NEVER said anything about having a boyfriend and I felt it'd be AFC-ish if I asked if it was! So, I didn’t ask. In fact when the phone rang I told her "Tell them you're busy!" I think cell phones on a date are rude anyhow! Oh, but it wasn’t a "date" it was a "get-together!" Hmm. Whatever it was I still thought it'd be rude if she talked more than a minute.
Anyhow, she made it quick like I told her to and then when the phone rang again; she didn’t answer it that time! So, I'm thinking that’s just how I wanted it.
Now, the issue was that she was about to blow the other guy off but then she changed her mind and decided to meet this guy. I really didn’t understand what was going on there. It was shortly afterwards that I decided to leave. The thing is that she didn’t SEEM as if she wanted to go. She was thinking of making up an excuse to tell him but...she went anyhow! What could be going on here?
She was hesitant to go but...I don’t know.
I dare not ask her the story about this other guy...I don’t care but I don’t want to be wasting my time with her either. What to do? It could have been just a friend or something more. I have no idea! All I know is that she's known him awhile much longer than she's known me. Anyhow, when she decided to go meet that guy, I excused myself shortly after. I'll see her again, however.
Like I said prior to this, she's always trying to hang around me and talk to me and she gave me her digits and we met up right after that. And she's never given me any resistance whether it be touching her or talking to her or getting her number or setting up the meeting. But, could this have been some form of test? Is she just being nice and friendly or is she REALLY interested?
What you think? Should I invite her out again later or move on?
Thanks Doc!
A. Hello,
It sounds like everything went very well right up to the phone call. You had good communication working and even were getting signs of a high level of interest from her. By calling your meeting something other than a date, (a "get-together"), you took off the pressure. When the phone call came through, you even told her what you expected, and she ended the call early. Even using the line, "...it's rude on a date..." actually worked to your benefit. Everything so far is great.
Now comes the problem.
She told you that she wasn't sure about whether to see this guy or not. What she was doing was to give you a mini-challenge. She wanted you to decide for her that she should spend more time with you. That's why she was vacillating back and forth about whether to go or not!
Unfortunately, you let her make the decision for herself. In effect she was saying, "Am I important enough for you to stand up and tell me to forget meeting him, or do you not care?" By letting her decide what she was going to do, not only did you miss a golden opportunity, you also told her, in effect that she was in control here, not you...
Consider this: when you're on a date, (or a "get-together") with a woman, she's on YOUR time. You've planned everything and blocked off your schedule to spend with her. She owes you the time she committed to with you.
By letting her decide how she was going to use "your time", she also learned that it wasn't you that was in control! Of course, you WANT to be the guy in control!
Here's another way to have handled this: when she began wondering what she was going to do, you should have said, "Look, if you want to rush off and see him, go ahead. It's very rude however, and I won't waste my time with rude people. You've already taken one phone call, but the choice is yours." Then, I would have turned and continued walking down the mall.
There's a number of subtle things going on here. First, you haven't taken the decision away from her - it's still hers to make. However, you've outlined the potential consequences of making the wrong choice - that you won't see her again!
The second thing is that you've told her that your time is valuable, (remember that from the book?), and that you don't appreciate it wasted. The third thing is, that by walking away, she has to follow you! Isn't that really what you want anyway – her to chase you?
So, now the question is whether you can salvage this situation or not. I believe you can, but you have to be clever about it. To do this, start seeing what this situation really is. She "chose" this other guy over you, even if she did so reluctantly! You don't have to lie down and like that.
So, the next time you can see her, why not bust her on it? Just say something like this, "Hey, you know, it was fun seeing you in the mall the other day, but I didn't appreciate you breaking off the date [get-together, or whatever] early. How are you going to make it up to me?"
Then, get very quiet. Don't say another thing until she tells you how she's going to "make up" for her bad behavior! You'll have to establish a minimum level of penance in your own mind, and if she doesn't meet it, just say, "Ok, and then what?"
The bottom line here is that women want you to have some direction in your life, and your relationships. They want to chase you, not the other way around, and if you keep that firmly in your mind, you can lead your relationships anywhere you want them to go.
Q & A: She Won't Have Sex When The Rules Change!
Right from the start, she said she was tired of men only wanting her for sex. I feel sex is an important part of the relationship, but she doesn’t think so. We were sexual before but now she says it's not important and she wants to wait until marriage before she has sex again. I have no intention on marrying her and this "no sex" deal is really putting a strain on this relationship and me. I can’t deal with it, Doc. It's important to me.
But if she even THINKS I'm talking to other women, she gets angry, hostile, and extremely jealous. I could be talking to my mother and she'll think it's another woman and she explodes like a ticking time bomb. It could be a female friend or a family friend and she gets furious. The insecurity and jealousy also has become a problem as well as her lack of trust and she admitted openly these have always been issues with her.
Another thing is that even before we were together, she didn’t like me talking to other women, when we were just dating! She didn’t like them near me, over my house, nothing! Also, as this relationship has progressed, she has become increasingly more demanding and trying to be controlling too. She gets mad when I miss her phone calls, she gets upset when I ignore her for any length of time (even if I'm busy running errands or with work) and this whole situation is pushing me closer and closer to the door. I confront her on her bad behavior every time and she'll simmer down for a while, then she gets started again. Her immaturity has shown it's ugly head! Things aren’t fun anymore and it's a constant power struggle and verbal fighting because she can’t grow up. It was a lot more fun in the beginning but that’s history. She is a good person and very pretty but I have to get out unless you see a way this can be saved.
I haven’t dated other women in awhile since I've been with her but that may be my only choice. I can’t deal with being in a sexless relationship, and her behavior has got out of control. What should I do? Find the door as quickly as I can or try to salvage this?
A. I fully agree with your point about NOT marrying her! Just consider this - you're in a sexless relationship now. How would you like to be stuck the rest of your life slaving away to satisfy her every whim; financial and otherwise, while being in a sexless marriage? Well, that's exactly where you're headed with your current path!
Here's the bottom line: sex IS important to any HEALTHY relationship. I don't care what anyone says. If they (including your girlfriend) think not, they are unhealthy themselves!
OF COURSE she doesn't want you talking to any other woman and is insanely jealous! If you ever found out the fact I just gave you, or found some other woman that WOULD enjoy sex like you do, she'd be alone. Talk about a controlling bitch! What the HELL are you doing with her anyway????
Here's what I would do in your situation:
I would tell her, “I respected your wish to not have sex. However, that isn't my wish, my choice or what I will devote my life to. Thus, I’m going to start dating and looking for a sexual partner IMMEDIATELY.” I'd still date her too (occasionally), but she'd have to understand that I was moving on and that my time for her would be reduced commensurate with your hunting time away from this "relationship". Further, you absolutely MUST NOT feel compelled to discuss your actions with her beyond this. She is entitled to only the part of your life that she earns - just as you are with hers.
I'd also absolutely demand that she DOES NOT date anyone else if she wants to continue to see me! That may seem unfair at first, but consider this: you're already making huge sacrifices in your life for her to choose her lifestyle! She owes you AT LEAST that loyalty back. If she can't do that, and won't have sex with you - bye-bye!!
My brother, don't just sit by and take this abuse, (and it IS abuse!) Just because the rules change doesn't mean that you have to continue playing the new game. You are allowed to have your own rules - and game - too!
Q & A: Two Girls: Who to Choose?
I'm the type of guy that sticks to one girl I like, and nearly ignore all other girls.. So I would still like to go for Lisa. Now her birthday is coming up in just a few weeks and im not sure if I should do something to give her a clear hint that im interested in her, or if I should hold back and see if anything will happen naturally over time. (sorta doubt this will happen 'cuz of the situation with Cindy). Lisa doesnt seem to show as much interest in me as before, while Cindy seems to try talking to me more often, as well as hanging out with me. Plus, I know they have "girl talks" with each other.. and Cindy tells everything while Lisa mostly listens.
I'm just not sure her birthday is an appropriate time to make my move since.. lately, Lisa hasn't been showing as much interest as before
Lastly, I'm sure there's at least one other guy that seems to be interested in Lisa.. but I dont think she wants to be anything more than friends with him.. I'm mentioning this just in case (sorta feel rushed, since I really like her and dont want to lose her to some other event that could happen).
please help, thanks.
A. Ah, two women to choose from. Hang on while I play a little sad violin for you....
Okay, now let me see if I can help you out of this dilemma ....
First of all, keep in mind that things don't just happen 'naturally.' If you want something to happen, you must be willing to take action. Things don't improve by default, they improve by design. So if you want something to happen with you and Lisa, you'll have to take a risk and make an advance. If she's interested, she'll respond. If she doesn't (no matter what reason you can invent for her not taking action) she is not REALLY interested. The bottom line is the result you get, and if she doesn't respond, you can blame her shyness, or whatever, but the reality is that you don't want a woman who can't act on her desires (any more than she would want a man who wouldn't act on his.)
Next, you sound like you're in a hurry. In fact, you mention you feel in a rush. Why? It's been 7 years. What's the hurry? If something were going to happen, a few more weeks wouldn't make a difference at this point.
Also, you state that you are "the type of guy that sticks to one girl I like, and nearly ignore all other girls." I don't know what your reason is for making this your identity, but I can only tell you that it will cause you much more pain in your dealings with women than it will help you.
1) Your single-minded focus will come across as smothering and obsessive on that one woman. (They can smell this a mile away, and it's a BIG turnoff.)
2) The confidence you exude when you date more than one woman will rub off, and you'll experience even more success with the ones you decide are a priority. Success breeds success.
3) Women may lead you to believe (by subtle comments and cultural stigma) that they don't want a man who dates many women. Nothing could be further from the truth. They are attracted to a man that is in demand. Now, if you settle into a regular relationship, they will want you to stick with just one. But that's your decision.
So, what advice do I have for you? In addition to the above, here's my recipe of action:
- Call up Lisa, ask her out to something short, sweet, and fun. At the end of the date, bust a move -- kiss her at the end. If she resists or balks, find out what her objections are. If they can be overcome, go on. If it's too complicated, then on to ...
- Call up Cindy. Same plan.
- Call up next girl. Same plan.
- Repeat until goal is reached.
It sounds like Lisa's interest is low -- probably because you two have been friends for so long, and she isn't going to jeopardize that -- and that you should set your sights on someone who is interested -- Cindy.
BIG POINT: And you might notice that Cindy is probably keeping a high interest level because you are NOT focusing all your energies on her. You're probably a little aloof and ignoring her -- and she responds to this. Lisa probably would, too. See how this works? This is why the ones you want always keep you at a distance while the ones you don't want are flocking in the wings.
The Bottom line? There are too many girls out there to get too hung up on one. Think of how foolish you'll feel in six months if you look back and see all the precious time you wasted on women who weren't interested. The time to act is now!
What to Look For When Choosing a How-To Book on Meeting and Attracting Women...
Have you ever noticed that there are at least as many sites out there proclaiming to know how to get game with women as there are women out there?
How many of these 'writers' can actually score chicks? Answer: not very many.
Hmmm... I wonder if they've got a scam going...
Well, I'm here to clear the air for you on this one, and help point you to the best online dating information has to offer. I'll show you how to spot the fluff from the Real Stuff.
Let's look at the warning signs:
First of all, do you get the impression when you load their sites or look at their documents that these guys haven't quite finished fourth grade? They pepper their information with plenty of crude terminology and misspelled words, or they're promoting the concept of getting easy one-night stands with ANY woman at ANY time -- claims that no man could make. Take a look at their content and decide whether it's someone you'd take credibly for any kind of service, much less dating and sex advice. I'd have to click away from a site that looks like it was cobbled together with sappy graphics and a bad font. And if he can't show me more than a miracle penis-enlargement cure, it's time to move on.
Next, what do you think the credibility is of a guy who looks like your perverted uncle, has a PHD from a school in Outer Mongolia, and looks like he's been dating since they first scribbled the word on papyrus? Ask yourself, is this short, bald guy with a beer-belly REALLY getting some ass, or just your cash? There's a lot to be said for the guys who appear to be getting laid. Not that you should judge solely on appearance, since we all know that's not the essential trait, but if he looks like a fashion nightmare on Elm Street, and your first thought is, "Dude! I think that's my dad!" I'd wonder ... a LOT. (Say what you will about Billy Clinton, but you could look at him and still know the guy was getting some serious tail.)
And is the information they're promoting mostly common sense? There's a lot of programs and techniques out there that teach you how to hypnotize women by stroking their wrist and using seduction code words, but these things only work on women with the intellect of a ten-year-old, and even then they require an unbelievably ugly numbers ratio to get your first success. Who wants that much pain for so little gain...? Steer clear of any seduction product that requires you to go clubbing and look for emaciated model-wannabes with the self-esteem of a whipped dog.
Now, let's take a look at the bookshelves of most retail bookstores...
- "How to Be Her Prince Charming" - Crap
- "How to Marry A Rich Man" by Shallow Woman - Garbage
- "He's a Jerk, You're a Goddess" - For wimpy guys in need of a testicle transplant
- "Blessed Union of Eternal Love for Couples" - For spiritual dweebs in search of the "white light" of love
C'mon. Around 80% of the books you see on the shelves of any bookstore are complete crap when it comes to giving you the goods on being successful with women. And considering only a handful actually cover the topic of men's dating, you'd be lucky to get a couple of real-life valuable tips from the authors.
Let's get one thing straight: WOMEN buy most of the books today, especially those labeled "Relationship" or "Dating." And nearly all of those are written to cover every disfunction you could imagine (primarily for women who got themselves involved with a guy they aren't compatible with and should only have dated a couple of times, got her fun, and then moved on.) Or, the authors complain incessantly about men and how to reform them into someone they can marry.
Still others are in pursuit of the "perfect" relationship where two souls unite in one spectral rainbow of pure goodness. Man, I'm gonna be sick... Nice goal, but for the 99% of us out there just trying to make it work on the basic compatibility and sex level, they are of no practical use at all in attracting and dating women.
Considering the fact that most of the books are BOUGHT by women, who do you think most of the books are written FOR? (If you need time to think about that one, come back to this page when you're ready.) Yup, that would be "Women" for $500, Alex. Would you like to go for double-jeopardy?
Don't even get me started on magazines. When was the last time you found ONE good, lengthy article for meeting and attracting women in ANY men's magazine? Why do you suppose this is?
Here's what you want to find in a book or site that gives you the real deal on women and dating:
– A newsletter: Do they give you a little free taste from the buffet? If you get valuable information in their FREE advice, you can bet their products are more than worth the price. Join the newsletter and read the articles. See what you think.
– Simple approach: No dumb hypnosis and complicated mirroring techniques to "trance" her, or "pattern" her. If it's a "system," chances are it's like your computer "system" - hard to work and more frustrating than trying to read subtitles on a French chick-flick. You want the information to be practical, real-life, and workable. If it sounds too good to be true, it often is.
– A quality site with great links: Some sites are more focused on the actual advice and helping, and others balance it out with more links to other resources. If they appear to live in a vacuum, where there is no one else but them, they may just be afraid of quality competition. And the appearance and organization of the site does go a long way in projecting the author or publisher's approach and thoroughness to detail.
– Breadth of information: The book, e-book, or website should cover multiple facets of information, from dating to sex, from attitudes and motivation to strategies and tactics. If it's solely about pickup lines, you're going to feel ripped off when your line works – but you have no clue how to take it from there.
– A money-back guarantee. Most men are honest, and when they find a product they like, they don't mind paying for it. A guarantee just assures you that you can trust the author and take a risk.
– Don't be fooled by cute gimmicks, like emails to you from a woman's name to get you to think that they're somehow in on it with hot love-slave women named Fiona or Desiree.
Here's the Real Deal: The sites I list below all meet the criteria I've just given you. Consider them worth our stamp of approval. Common sense should tell you that this isn't marketing baloney; they're run by guys who are out there, meeting women, attracting women, and GETTING LAID.
# DatingDynamics.com - Fantastic e-book and supplementary materials, like their e-zines. Get on the mailing list for tips, advice, and strategies.
# Remingtonpublications.com - Dennis Neder has provided excellent dating information for single men through his book Being a Man in a Woman's World and his web site.
# DatingInsider.com - Superb members-only content, with a message board for getting your questions heard and answered. (Of course we're going to mention this one!) In addition to a recent feature in Maxim Magazine, there are many testimonials to the program's effectiveness available at the website. Get on the mailing list.
# AskMen.com - Good dating advice, though heavily commercialized. Wide variety of writers.
# SeducersWorld.com - Home of Robert Greene's book, The Art of Seduction. Psychological and historical profile of the many facets of seduction.
So, stop listening to Uncle Ned with the bowl haircut and an expired counseling license. He can only help you AFTER you have your mental breakdown from the bad advice that all the other sites out there are giving you.
My old boss in the financial services business used to say, "When I want to get information on making money and getting rich, I go find a guy who's got a bigger pile of money than I have. Not the stockbroker in debt up to his ears - I go find the guy WHO'S DOING WHAT I WANT TO DO. And I listen to HIM."
Q & A: Being A Sexual Being
I was thrilled at first, but to my horror I found I had lost the ability to get turned on by her! My former relationship hovered around sexuality but we never got down to it since we felt it would destroy the "magic" of the whole thing. Well, after meeting this girl, I cannot be turned on by anything, I have no sexual attraction towards her, but I've fallen in love with her.
In addition to that, I've developed a fear that I'm not good enough for her. I'm just a poor transfer student in strange place falling in love with a girl who has everything I don't. Believe me, I never had these fears before - Dating-Insider completely dispelled them and radically changed my social life. But what should I do? Is my inability to get turned on psychological? It seems to be getting worse! Maybe the solution is damn easy and doesn't require much, but I need to be set in the right position to start rectifying things.
Please help me!!
"On the brink"
A. Hello "Brink",
Very interesting situation!
You'd be surprised how common it is to find someone that is very much like, or, even exactly like someone that we've been with before. People talk about this all the time, but it is usually in having made a mistake with choosing someone bad for them. You, on the other hand, have found someone you already know and love!
As you've also discovered, sex is as much a mental game as (if not more than) a physical one. It really isn't that hard a stretch to see that you've tied your entire emotionality into a sexless relationship, and that is exactly why your current problem exists. You've learned to equate love for a "personality type" with sexual frustration.
Interestingly, this is usually a problem that women have! They spend their dating lives trying to deny their sexuality because of religion, parents, misinformation, fear, etc.; suppressing and ignoring it, and then have tons of problems being sexual people in their married lives. Why do we keep doing this to people? Why do entire societies keep inflicting this hideous damage as though it somehow makes us better people?? Well, actually, the main reason is that parents, community and religious leaders, and many, many others learned a long time ago, that if you can just control a person's sexuality, you could control that person. This is because we are first and foremost sexual people! I equate this "purposefully inflicted" damage on people with other types of sexual barbarism like female clitoral circumcision, pedophilia, censorship, lying to kids about where babies come from, telling people that masturbating will make you go blind, and the like.
You say you've fallen in love with her. Are you sure it's love? Is it possible that you have tremendous familiarity and friendship with her instead? This isn't really a critical point, as frankly, it doesn't matter. However, I raise the question for you to consider.
Ok, so what do you do about all of this? First, you've got to get your self-image back in check. Nobody, not you, the Pope or me is any better or any worse than any other person, living or dead, (well, I'm not sure about Rosy O'Donnell - what's up with her?). Anyway, I digress...
This woman may have things you want or things that you equate with a "higher level", but it's a false image. All of these are just things. What's really important is the character, experience and soul of a person. Practice seeing all people this way. You'll be much the better man for it, and you'll also gain an important understanding of life. After all, she's just a person like you or me or anyone else.
Consider this, you've spent your entire relationship with your ex-girlfriend learning how NOT to be sexual. Is it any wonder you're having trouble now? You've got to re-learn to be sexual with your new girlfriend. You do this by practicing. I'm assuming that you masturbate (all of us do, by the way!) What do you fantasize about when you're spankin' the monkey? Something must turn you on. Use this time to re-learn sexual feelings for this woman.
Imagine making love to her. Take some time - don't jump right to the "horizontal bop" portion of the program. Imagine kissing her, undressing her slowly, exploring her body - every inch of it. Recreate the sexual feelings you had with her as the object. These are powerful emotions and will be re-learned very quickly because of them.
Once you begin to see her sexually, putting it into practice won't be difficult. Try to focus on her however; don't worry about yourself - that will come (if you'll pardon the expression!) Learn about her sexuality, and in it you'll find your own.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
What is it that girls really want and why isn't it me?
Ok what is it that girls really want? I mean come on, all you hear about today is girls wanting someone that they can talk to and relate to. That they want someone who will listen to them and at least pretend to give a damn. That they aren't really looking for those "bad boys". Yet who do they always end up with, the "bad" boys of course. Nice guys finish last because THEY ARE NICE GUYS. Nice guys don't say the degrading and sometimes insulting pickup lines that gets you noticed by girls. They don't draw a lot of attention to themselves like bad boys so they aren't going to be noticed this way either. If you are at club the "bad" boys are going to be hitting on girls left and right, bumping and grinding, and feeling them up. The "nice" guys will be the ones that will dance with them but won't be all over them and speaking from experience the girls go with the "bad" boys on this score.
OK let's take a quick look then at why the "bad" boys behave the way they do versus the way "nice" guys (for the sake of convenience BB will be "bad" boys and NG "nice" guys). The BBs tend to be the good-looking jocks with egos that could fill a stadium. They really could care less about the girl or a relationship as long as they can score. This means that they will be all over a lot of different in a short amount of time. They will also be more outrageous and outgoing because they don't care about starting a relationship so they have nothing to lose. The NGs on the other hand are most likely shy and reserved gentlemen. They tend to be the intelligent ones who always got picked on at school and don't have enough self-confidence to fill a balloon. The NG has two major handicaps that the BBs don't have to worry about. First off, NGs generally have low self-confidence to begin with so a rejection or even the fear of rejection can often be enough to keep him from doing anything. Secondly, a NG isn't looking for a one-night-stand. He's not out cruising for chicks just so that he can get lucky. A NG is looking for a lasting relationship. Something that means something and that is a lot harder to find than a willing girl.
I think that covers most of the main differences between BBs and NGs. Now we get to the personal stuff. I am an eighteen-year-old boy who: has never been very popular/outgoing, went to an all boys high school, is a "brain"(honor roll and all that stuff), has always been a "good" boy (I went drinking for the first time this past week!), and I'm a NG. What it basically boils down to is I don't know jack shit about girls and I'm to shy/nice of a guy to just go out cruising.
I We all make our own choices though and I am sick and tired of getting the short end of the stick so I'm starting to do something about it. The problem is that I'm at a loss as to what I should do. By the accounts that I have been given by different girls that are friends of mine I should have girls lining up around the block to meet me. I'm intelligent and moderately good-looking. I can cook, bake, give great massages, love to talk/listen, like to dance, enjoys a well-done "chick" flick, and I write poetry (yes, mostly love). For those of you out there who are thinking it no I am not gay. Most of my best friends are or have been girls and most of the time the friendship started because I was attracted to them. But none of these friendships have grown to be more than that. I'm not saying that I'm only friends with these girls because they are attractive. I'm not the superficial and shallow. Most of these friendships become something that I truly value and they become something of a foundation in the rest of my life.
Well since I'm up the creek without a paddle should I abandon the boat all together? Should I become one of the BBs and content my self with just scoring? I don't think I will do this even it is the most immediately gratifying answer and the easiest. So on behalf of all NGs everywhere I entreat you, I beg you, take a close look at the people around you, at the guys you meet. Try and look past the exterior and the first impression to see what a man is really made out of.
Pickup lines: How YOU Doin'?
Yeah, that might happen.
Pickup lines can be one of the cheesiest elements of the American social scene. Skanky men approach tube-topped nightclub sluts and ask them if their father stole the stars out of the sky or if they are an angel fallen from heaven. In maybe one out of a thousand cases, the woman actually takes the bait and offers a dance — or maybe more. But more often than not, super-obvious lines just don't work.

"Why do people think that pick-up lines are sexy?" asks Elizabeth Hoeffner, a senior at Dartmouth College. "Guys use these gross, worn out lines."
Guys aren't the only ones on the lookout for a mate, however; women often approach guys in the hope of kindling a quick romance, or maybe just for some flirting entertainment. Women twirl their hair and reveal some leg then offer subtle, innocuous questions like, "Do you come here often?" or "Didn't I see you once in a college soccer game?" to lure men in.
Forth Bagley, a junior at Yale University, says girls use more subtle techniques to express interest. "The other day a girl in my apartment building knocked on the door, and when I answered she giggled at me and asked if I had a Bruce Springsteen CD she could borrow. It was kind of lame."
There are a few distinct types of pick-up lines. The outrageously forward ("Nice shoes, wanna fuck?") works in some cases, whereas a more clever line ("Do you believe in love at first sight or should I walk by again?") gets a laugh and may make you look mildly sweet. Sometimes a bizarre comment works best, like "You're so hot you melt the plastic in my underwear." Then there are disgustingly graphic lines best suited for the extremely drunk: "You have over 200 bones in your body. Want another?"
"A line I like to use," says Chris Hawkins of California State University, Chico, "is 'Would you like to see my pickle?' It could mean a multitude of shit, but it breaks the ice, and loosens girls up. Most chicks are intimidated by the penis, so by talking about it up front, it seems to relax them, and let the conversation begin."
Of course, not all pick-up lines have to be obvious. An innocent query often does the trick, like "Hey, can I join you?" or "Have you tried the margaritas here?" More forward types can "accidentally" bump into someone, and "inadvertently" grab a part of his or her body to keep from falling — but this could get you slapped or sued if you grab the wrong part. Be careful, and make sure that a biker resembling The Rock isn't also pursing the target of your affections.
Toni Konkoly, a junior at Macalester College, bartends during the summer and hears more than her share of drunken pickup lines. "People who seriously try to use pickup lines are definitely major losers," she says. The worst lines she's ever heard are "Do you come here often?" and "Wanna get a six-pack and fuck?" She says that when lines fail, guys often try to send drinks to women; the girls like the drinks, but the ploy rarely succeeds.
She also finds that guys ask about her eyebrow ring, like if it hurts or if she has any other piercings. They then proceed to tell her how sexy the piercing is, as if that is going to arouse her. Konkoly says that guys usually use pick-up lines as a lead-in to asking for a phone number or name — or making a move.
Nobody admits to using pick-up lines, but everyone's guilty of trying them at some point. Whether they're subtle or comically blatant, at least they make for good stories. So the next time someone says to you, "Hey, what's your sign?" don't get annoyed. Instead, tell 'em, "It's a stop sign, and you better slow down."
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Dating Again?
If you don't want to jump back into the bar and club scene, look online! Online dating services are used by thousands of people, seeking casual or long-term partners.
Never let your online date pick you up or drop you home on a first date. Don't let them into your home until you have been on several dates, and you feel like you can trust them. Date rape can happen, even in a long-term relationship.
Your children do not need to know about your sexual experiences. Get the kids to stay overnight at the other parents, with your parents, or with a friend. This is especially true of casual sex relationships.
Don't talk about your dates with your children. They may be hurt or upset still. However, depending on the age of the child, you may need to divulge some information.
Use your lunch hour wisely. Baby-sitters can be expensive, so why not organize a lunch hour date when the kids are at school?
If you start dating seriously with one person, you should introduce them to your kids. However, do take your time. Don't have your partner come to every social activity, or stay every night. Your children will feel confused, and possibly annoyed with the sudden "intrusion".
Treat every date as a learning experience. If you feel as if every date is a failure, don't be concerned. Experience and age have just refined your tastes.
At all times, remember that you should be looking for a companion for yourself. Don't look for a "replacement parent" - but look for a good match that has parent potential. Most importantly, have fun and enjoy re-entering the dating scene!
Online Breakups
Because we are inclined to open up more rapidly to other people online, an online break-up will often hurt much more. Understand that what you are feeling is natural, and that the hurt will pass.
Post Breakup Tips
Get away from the computer. You have probably spent a lot of time on the computer, so take the time to go outside, and enjoy the outdoors.
Clean your house. Use all that negative energy inside you for a good purpose.
Call up some old offline friends and catch up. You may not have seen them much recently, because you were caught up with your online relationship.
Find some old online friends too. They can help you through you through the tough times as well. An added bonus is that they will understand how you are feeling after your online breakup.
Stop using the chat you were using while you were going out. Find another chat room or message board.
Pack away any photos or anything else that you received from your online love. It is not necessary to throw anything though, unless you really feel like you need to.
When you are ready to try online dating again, sign up to an online dating service. Don't bring any resentment from your past relationship into your new one though!
Online Dating: Personal Safety
Online dating can provide a great, anonymous way to meet new people. While many online dating services provide a safe environment to meet others, you should never automatically assume you
are safe from Internet predators.
Before You Agree To Your First Date
Never agree to meet someone from an online dating service without first knowing a lot of information about them. Females especially should first obtain the other persons full name, address,
and home telephone number.
If the other person is only willing to give you a work phone number, or a pager, you should be very wary. This may mean that the other person has a spouse, or partner.
Test your potential online date, by calling at an unexpected time. If you do not know the person who picks up, there's a big chance that you have been lied to.
Before Your Date
Trust your instincts. If your gut feeling says "don't go" - then don't. If you do agree to meet someone for a date, you should be the one who sets a time, date, and location appropriate
for you.
Remember that your safety could be at stake. You will need to spend some time with the other person before you really begin to know them well.
Tell someone where and when your date will be. Give a friend or family member the full name, address, and telephone number of your online date.
Arrange to "check in" with your friend sometime during the date. Let your friend now if there are any change of plans.
If your online date starts saying that they want to keep the date secret - you should start to question their motives.
On The Date
Never get picked up by your online date. Take your own transport to the date and back. By taking your own transport, you can give yourself a chance to escape if things go wrong.
Arrange to meet in a very public place. You should choose to go somewhere that you know, or at least can check out beforehand. Meet in daylight, or stay in an area that is well-lit, with
lots of people.
If at any point, you begin to feel awkward or scared about the date, you have every right to leave. Excuse yourself, and make a phone call to a friend.
There is a chance that your date may truly frighten or alarm you - leave immediately, and call the police if necessary.
After The Date
No matter how great the date is, you should never let your online friend come back to your house. They may have been lulling you into a false sense of security.
Date smart, and date safe!
Online dating: Photos For Your Profile
It is best to use a color photo. Black and white photos do not have the same level of realism as color photos. Color photo representations are far more accurate.
Make sure that your photo is clear and focused. If you don't have a recent, focused photo of yourself, get one taken. If your features aren't clear in the photo, people may wonder what you have to hide.
Don't wear sunglasses or hats in the photo. Your face should not be hidden behind hands, pets, people, trees, furniture, or signs. Once again, people may wonder if you have something to hide.
Use a photo that shows you looking good. Photos can often express some of your personality and originality! The photo should be a recent photo, not from 10 years ago.
Try to avoid using a group photo, unless it is you with your children or grandchildren. Be proud of your family. Don't use photos where it is hard to who you are in a group of people (for instance, you with friends of the same age).
Avoid any "suggestive" photos. This will attract unwanted characters. If you are unsure of a particular photo, ask yourself - would I want my date's family and friends to see this photo?
Online dating: Trust, Honesty & Safety
In any relationship, there must be a certain degree of trust, honesty, and safety. People in online relationships can often mask the truth about themselves, bringing trust, honesty, and often safety into question.
Is your new online relationship built on trust? Are you being honest with each other? Are you ensuring your own safety? Our guidelines below are designed to help you with all of your online relationships.
Never reveal any personal information. Your first name should be sufficient. If anyone begins to pester you for your last name, you should consider avoiding them. Use a webmail account for any email correspondence - don't use your ISP-assigned email address.
You should also never tell anyone where you live. Never let anyone know the street or surburb you live in. If you live in a small town, it may be safer to only mention what state you live in.
Be cautious when answering any personal questions, as you don't really know who the other person is. The less personal detail you provide them with, the safer you are.
You may be wondering how anyone can trust you if you are not telling them the truth about yourself. Remember that your safety is much more important than being truthful. Check every email and message you send, to ensure that you do not accidentally give any personal information out.
If the other person begins to get angry with you because you won't tell them your street address, this should be an indication that they may not be entirely trustworthy.
Some people that you talk to online may make you feel quite awkward, either through their topics of conversation, as well as their questions towards you. Remember that no one has the right to make you uncomfortable.
If you don't like a situation, leave it. Report any abusive or harassing contacts to a chat room or message board moderator. They will be able to take appropriate action against the abusive person.
These warnings are not meant to discourage you from beginning online relationships. Many people have found life-long love and friendship via the Internet, but you must take care. Not everyone is honest or trustworthy - so take care.
The First Phone Call
At some stage, you may wish to take your online dating to the next level - a phone conversation. If you are nervous about your first phone call, don't be. Soon enough, you'll be talking
on the phone like you've known each for years.
So whether you've already fallen in love over email - or you want to test them before you get serious - our advice will help you make a great first phone call.
Smile and Calm Down
Remember to smile while you are talking. Smiling can calm you down, and make you fell more comfortable. The other person will be able to "hear" your smile - which will help them relax
as well.
When to Make the First Call
Plan your first call. Make sure you have no distractions around at the time - like other people. Your attention should be focused solely on them.
Topics of Conversation
If you are scared about awkward, uncomfortable silences, take the time to prepare a "Topic List". Write down a few topics to talk about, so if you get stuck for conversation, you can
pick something from your topic list.
Chose a few topics that you have been talking about on line. This help you both feel comfortable with each other, as you have already discussed the topics online.
How to Finish the Call
Don't just say "goodnight" and hang up. Organise your next phone call, or at least mention that you would like to speak again.
If you don't want to speak with the other person again, mention this also. It is best to be honest! If the other person isn't interested in you, remember that there are plenty of other
people looking for love online!
Online Dating Tips For Men
You may have impressed someone online with your great profile and emails, but your first real life meeting could make - or break - your relationship. Our advice can help you make a great first impression on a potential partner.
First impressions are often made in under ten seconds. If you can present yourself well in the first few seconds, and the minutes that follow, your first date will be a big success.
Remember to be yourself. Be confident in your own skin, and it will show. Even though you may be incredibly nervous, remain calm. A great icebreaker could be making a joke about how nervous you're feeling!
Be on time. Plan to leave your home 15 minutes earlier than you would need to, just in case anything happens along the way. If you are running late, call ahead.
Smile. A smile shows that you are a positive, attractive, vibrant person. Smiling will also help you to calm those nerves, and your dates.
People will judge another person on various characteristics. This doesn't mean that you need to be a tall-dark-handsome-man or a blonde-blue-eyed-femme-fatale. Instead, pay attention to the little things, like:
- your posture and body language
- eye contact
- personal hygiene
- good dress sense
- outward confidence
- your smile
Women should not dress in revealing clothing for the first date. Wear something that makes you look and feel good. Guys should wear stylish clothing that is clean and ironed. First dates are not the best times to wear your new outfit for the first time.
On the rest of your date, you will need to build on that first impression. Concentrate on being happy, fun, kind, humorous, confident, and most importantly - yourself!
Negative impressions are just as easy to create as positive impressions. Your date will not be impressed if you act immature, shallow, self-centred, materialistic, and judgmental.
If you are nervous about making conversation, review a few email conversations you have had in the past. Think of a few questions that you haven't asked yet. This is the time when you get to know your date better, face-to-face.
Avoid talking too much, in an effort to fill silences. Don't babble, just accept the silences as a temporary lull in conversation.
Also avoid talking about current events. Viewpoints vary wildly on topics like politics, world events, and religion. Leave the serious talk for later dates. Fighting over differing viewpoints is a good way NOT to get a second date.
During the date, you should pay attention to your partner's body language. If you notice negative body language, try to fix the situation. Positive body language will show that you're doing a great job at impressing your date.
At the end of your date, don't ask straight up for another date. Leave the possibility open. Mention that you had a great time, then, instead of asking for a date, just say, "Let me know if you'd like to come out again."
First impressions last forever, so you should focus on making your first impression a good one. Who knows, your first date could be the start of a life-long, satisfying, relationship.
Monday, March 24, 2008
Conversation Tips for Date
For some people, this comes totally naturally, but unfortunately for others, it can be the start of a nightmare.
As a general rule, avoid the following areas of conversation:
- Death or tragedy
- How much you earn
- Politics
- Religion
- Sex
- Your plans for marriage and family life
Don’t reveal too much about yourself early on.
Never discuss you past dates or sexual conquests.
Stay clear of the old “chat up lines”. These don’t work on date. You will end up feeling stupid if you crack an old chat up line or pun that your date does not find funny at all.
One for the men here. Do NOT talk to her breasts. Women hate this and find it degrading and will soon run a mile.
You may find this difficult as you obviously find her attractive to be on the date in the first place, but keep those eyes well clear.
You want to try and sound confident during your date, but not cocky. Try not too talk about yourself too much and if you do, only when asked. You need to sound confident in yourself, but not overconfident !
You want to sound like you are comfortable holding a decent conversation in any situation.
Keep the conversation flowing nicely by using open-ended question. For example.
“If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?”
By asking why at the end, prompts for more than a one word answer and will inevitably lead to more questions from you. Be genuinely interested in the answers.
Try to be witty, funny and entertaining, but don’t act like a clown. Your date will soon disappear.
Never lie. If you are asked about a particular situation or subject, and you feel your date is not going to like answer, try to steer clear without looking like you have something to hide.
Wait until much later in your dating to start talking about romance. Don’t feel the need to tell her all the reasons why you would make such a great partner. Give it time. Too much, too soon, will have your date bolting for the door.
If you think that you are running out of ideas for conversation and you can't think of any more subjects to talk about, look at what your date is wearing. Is there an unusual watch, ring or piece of clothing? Ask them about it. This will get them talking about themselves, and you can keep asking more questions to keep things going nicely.
Learn To Be Confident And Take Rejection in Your Stride!
The most successful date seekers laugh in the face of rejection and simply try again.
Do not expect high success rates in singles bars and dance clubs. Try normal, everyday, common places instead.
Broaden your horizon.
If you must date only the best looking men or prettiest girls, your rejection rate is going to be much higher.
Be realistic.
The more you date, the more skilled you will become and besides, there is no known link between physical appearance and dates that are the most fun.
Rejection is definitely not fun. However, a rejection is only one person's opinion. You don't like everyone, and everyone isn't going to like you. If someone says no, then he or she misses out on getting to know great you really are.
Take care of yourself and always improve physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually.
Looking out for yourself and feeling good about yourself will make you confident. Again, if you can take care of yourself, there is a good chance you can take care of others. If you appear that you can fulfill the needs of others, you are attractive.
Brainwash yourself by looking in the mirror everyday and telling yourself that you are an attractive person. If you could convince yourself that you are attractive, you would soon feel attractive. Feeling attractive will make you feel confident. Confident, in return, will make you attractive. This is a classic self-fulfilling prophecy.
The First Date Tips: Keep things light hearted
In this section we will cover the etiquette of the first date and a few pointers on what to do and what not to do. Places to go on a first date are covered in more detail on our date ideas page here.
If your date is someone who you don’t really know all that well and you would like to get to know them a little better, then perhaps lunch somewhere might be the best option.
Keep it simple, maybe a pizzeria or a pub lunch. Stay away from the flashy fancy stuff at this point, as no one likes a show off.
Over lunch or a drink, the atmosphere should be light and casual and it will give you a chance to talk and find things out about each other, rather than going to a movie where there is very little interaction involved. You might also feel awkward if you choose a movie and it turns out to be rubbish.
The great thing about lunch is that it is during daylight hours, which may make things a little more comfortable if your new date is female. If things don’t go to well during the date and you realize that it will never work out, then it’s easy for either party to make an excuse to get away. Such as “I have a hair appointment, doctors, dentist etc”.
On the other hand, if things are going exceptionally well, then you could always extend the date a little and opt for a walk maybe, or a few drinks in a nearby pub or bar. One tip though, never over indulge on alcohol on the first date as this can lead to all sorts of problems and you might end up no second date and a bad hangover thrown in for good measure. So, what is the proper way to greet someone when you pick him or her up or meet him or her at the chosen venue at the start of the date?
A lot of people find this an awkward moment, but it needn't be.
In this situation, I would recommend a warm, two-handed shake. When they shake your hand put your other hand over theirs - it simply shows warmth and takes the formality out of the shake.
Even the continental kiss on a first date is too much - you would be entering your date's personal space without their consent, save the continental kiss for date two or later.
Try to view the first date as a casual, informal job interview. Both parties are interviewing each other at this stage, finding out if you are suited to one and other and deciding on whether there is scope for a second "interview".
Keep things light hearted, try to stay away from politics, religion etc unless of course these topics are your date’s line of work or interests.
At the end of the date.
Hopefully you will have made it through to this point and you will have a good idea how things went and whether you both want to see each other again.
If you have exchanged telephone numbers already, this is a good sign. So how long should you wait before you try and arrange the next date?
Well, if both of you have mobile phones, it would be polite to send a brief txt message or email when you get home from the date or later that evening.
You could say something like how much you enjoyed his\her company and that you will phone them in a few days to arrange another date. Don’t be tempted (I know it’s hard) to call straight away when you get home and bombard them with txt messages or phone calls as you might appear pushy, needy and desperate and scare your potential partner away.
A simple message will suffice and leave it there. This adds to the sparkle and mystery, which makes dating very exciting.
So, who should pay on the first date ?
Well, I believe that whoever asked he\she out on the date should pick up the tab. If an offer is made to go half and half, you should accept and find a way of showing your appreciation for that gesture.
Do NOT get into an argument about money. If you feel this may happen, settle for a 50/50 split on the bill.
Art Of Flirting: Tips for Men
First impressions really do count. Make sure you are looking good and feeling fresh. Nobody wants to snog a slob. Check out our fashion section here for some great ideas on the hottest gear to get hold of.
Catch her eye
When you have spotted your potential date, simply try to catch her eye and raise your eyebrows up and down.
If she responds in the same way, that is a good sign. If she responds with a big smile, lips open, she is definitely interested. If you get no response at all, it may be that she is just very shy and looked away because she is embarrassed.
If you are with a group of lads, try standing away from the group slightly to demonstrate your individuality and point your body in her direction to show her that you are interested.
If after a couple of times trying and you get no response, leave it at that. This will happen sometimes for a number of reasons. Don’t take it as a personal rejection, move on.
The initial approach
So, you have had some really encouraging signs so far and now is the time to actually talk to her. For some, this is daunting, but it shouldn`t be, just remember, you are already half way there.
Do NOT use cheesy chat up lines. They don’t work and make girls cringe.
Instead, go for icebreakers. Compliment her about something she is wearing or talk about the venue where you are.
For example: “Hi, I couldn't’t help but notice that really nice necklace you are wearing, it really suits you. My name is James, by the way, pleased to meet you.”
I know that sounds really cheesy. I am not suggesting that you use that word for word, instead, adapt it to your current situation and surroundings. Be flexible.
Another example, in the supermarket this time.
Perhaps at the wine section. You could start a conversation something like: "Excuse me, sorry to interrupt, I don't normally drink red wine, could you recommend something that goes with beef"
Always maintain eye contact at this point and don’t talk to her breasts.
Make her laugh. Be light hearted, tell her what you like about her (again avoid the breasts), avoid serious subjects, maintain eye contact. Remember, the eyes are the gateway to the heart and that is what you want ultimately, her heart.
Keep your eyebrows slightly raised when she talks to you and lean in towards her, giving her your full attention.
Look at her mouth (not the breasts) when she speaks, deep down she'll be wondering whether you're thinking about kissing her, which in turn will make her think about kissing you.
Signs that she is interested in you
- Nice big smile, showing off her pearly whites
- Biting her lip or showing the tongue
- Putting a fingernail between her teeth
- Raised eyebrows together with a smile
- Playing with her hair
- Playing with a glass or other object close to hand
- Laughs in unison with you
If all goes to plan and you are getting some of these signs, then you are well on your way to hopefully getting your first date.
I don't know if I have mentioned this lads, but don't talk to her breasts!
Women Are Big On The Little Things Men Do For Them
- Sentimental and romantic without being mushy
- Funny without being embarrassing
- Intelligent enough not to make her look stupid
- Adventurous but does not leave her behind
- Smell good, but is not drowning her with his perfume
- Committed but not jealous
If you want to know how to attract women, get good at doing the little things. The average single woman is not looking for perfection but she wants a little piece of heaven once in a while.
Hold her hand
Holding a woman's hand announces to the world that you are proud to have her walking beside you. It is also a statement that says you are taken, which is a form of respect she will be impressed by.
Take Notice
Take notice when she has changed her hairstyle or bought a new dress. This is a clear indication that you really see her. A few compliments will not hurt either!
Be a Gentleman
Women still love to have a door opened for them or a chair pulled out for them when they are at a restaurant.
Cook for Her
There is nothing more special to a woman than a man in the kitchen cooking the meal. It says that you appreciate her and want her to relax and be pampered.
Call Her
When you call just to say I miss you or I love you, you have struck gold! She will be thinking of you all day.
Buy her a little something
Women love the little things, like love notes and cards. You can spend a lot of money on expensive jewelery and she will still consider those love notes to be among her most cherished possessions.
Top Ten Turn Offs for Women
1. Scent - When a man doesn't have good personal hygiene it sends a big signal of laziness to a woman. Women often wear their boyfriend's favorite shirt just to carry his scent around with her. A woman won't want to get ten feet around you if you smell bad. Here's a tip: use pheromones.
2. Bad Teeth - A smile speaks a thousand words. When a man takes care of his teeth he becomes more attractive to a woman. Nobody is going to fantasize about kissing a man with bad teeth.
3. Bad Posture - The way a man carries himself says a lot about his character. If he slumps or carries his shoulders downward she will think that he is cowardly or weak.
4. Self Absorbed - When a man's favorite topic is himself he won't make it to second base with most women. A woman wants to know that a man is interested in her, and wants to get to know what she is all about.
5. Laziness - This is one of the biggest complaints women have about men. A relationship will usually sour within a short time can if the romance dwindles. Men can get lazy in the romance department rather fast. Once a guy has won over a woman he will usually stop trying. Interest in each other should never wane or the relationship will surely fail.
6. Penny Pinching - The majority of women hate men who keep track of every penny they spend. This sends a message that the man will be cheap on a date or will have a problem with spending money if they were to become a couple.
7. Womanizer - Women like to be a man's one and only. While most women do not mind if he looks at another woman, she would be turned off if he were to flirt with others.
8. Too Quiet - Being shy or quiet can be associated with boring or reserved. When a man is very quiet or shy a woman will usually move on. Women like to be pursued. Talkers tend to reveal more about themselves which can make them more approachable.
9. Coming on Too Strong - A woman wants to be pursued but usually will lose interest if a man comes on too strong on the first date. Part of the thrill is the chase. She wants a relationship to reach intensity over time. Groping and pawing on the first date can change her opinion of her date really fast.
10. No Ambition - Women want men who have a plan for the future. Men are attractive when they have a vision or direction he strives towards. She will see passion in his everyday living and a future that might include her someday.
The Basics of Getting Laid or How to Find the Girl of Your Dreams
Most men are more the scanning type than they are the scholarly type. And this includes you. Yeah, there's a reason you've been making regular trips to the library and it has little to do with checking out books. The real reason you're there is to check out a few looks--like the looks on that curvy librarian.
OK Einstein. You've impressed us with you ingenuity. Now impress Brandy by going up to her and thinking up something clever to say. What's that? You can walk the walk but you can't talk the talk? We see. Your feet have no problem carrying you to great lengths to be near the babes. It's your lips that suddenly become glued at the thought of actually talking to a woman.
Well there's good news. If you have a pulse, there still is time. With the help of some women, I'm going to give you all the advice you need to find the girl of your dreams.
Forget all that nonsense you've heard about defense winning championships. If you want to bring home your trophy you have to go on the offensive. Nothing worthwhile was ever attained by sitting back and waiting for something to happen.
Think about it. You are a major player in the game, but so is Debbie. There's a reason why she spends an hour in front of the mirror making sure her appearance looks edible. It's to entice you. Women try to look good so they can use it to their advantage. If you can keep in mind that women are trying to attract you too, half the battle is over. All you have to do now is bring that runner home from third.
"If a guy wants to talk to a girl and he's just afraid of being rejected, he should just take that chance," says Victoria, a 23-year-old graduate student with out-of-this-world looks. "Or else, he'll never know. He has to decide whether or not it's worth it to him."
I'm willing to bet a woman with out-of-this-world looks is well worth it.
OK you're psyched now. You didn't realize women were out there looking to get picked up. You thought only guys had one-track minds. Well, now it's time to put that one-track mind to work. Even if the only reason you want to meet Sally is so you can bury your buddy in her um...., you can't just blurt that out. Be cautious.
Women want to be won over. They have a certain public image to uphold. They can't be as open as men are with their desires due to the social ramifications. That's why your approach is very important. And using a line just won't cut it.
"A lot of guys go out of their way with all these types of pick up lines," says April. "They should just use a genuine comment. A compliment would probably grasp my attention better than anything else."
"You don't want something that sounds like a line." adds Victoria. "Just something that sounds sincere. Something just like, 'I saw you and wanted to come up and talk to you.'"
So what do we take from all of this? First, you should sound genuine in your approach. Make her believe there's something really special about her besides her curvy figure. So, be complimentary, but be sincere. Also ask her about herself. Women like to talk about themselves. And when they open up to you, they feel closer to you which is exactly what you want--to get as close as possible to her delicious body. Remember, she needs you as much as you want to knead her--but be polite, sincere, and complimentary in your approach.
We're not going to lie to you. Looks matter. You know it yourself. You're not after her for her mind. It's the same for women, but only to a certain extent. Yes, an attractive man catches a gal's eyes, but usually they get over that and look for something more.
Don't think so?
How many times have you witnessed Joe Average with a different knockout every other week? What secret does he possess that makes him desirable to the type of woman you want? Well, he's probably just himself. That's it. Himself. It can't be money. If a gal is really gorgeous, she can get any man she wants, right? Good looking guys have money, too.
His car? Please. See the above theory. Good looking guys have been known to drive nice cars. It comes down to Joe Average taking pride in himself and his appearance. Confidence in yourself is really appealing to women.
To help, make yourself more desirable. For starters, shower regularly. Brush your teeth. Get a decent haircut and use that exercise bike that's been collecting dust in your basement. And most importantly, remember to smile.
OK, you passed the test. You bathed, rehearsed your approach, and thought of something meaningful to say. After scouting out the girl with the sizzling legs for weeks, she has agreed to go out with you. Depending on how she feels about you, she may even decide to end up under the sheets with you.
Now you're going to need to know how to please her. Yes, you have to please her! You can just think of your needs. If you're good and you know what you are doing, she'll reward you with more sex. And that's what you want. When you're a good enough lover, she'll come back for more.
Yes, that gorgeous, beauty will want you all for herself.
A woman needs to feel her partner is sensitive to her needs and desires. So, you might have to spend some time learning about what she likes and dislikes. This is also the time to bring on the compliments about her body. Tell her how much you love it and how much it turns you on. Telling her how voluptuous a bod she has will help her get rid of any inhibitions and will lead to more pleasure for both of you.
And then work over every inch of her body. Keep in mind you're doing it for her and not for yourself. Your goal should be to get her so excited that she will be ready and willing for you when the time comes to take that plunge. If you take enough time to do right by her, she's going to be as excited for it as you are.
Now get to work boys and good luck.
Top 5 Ways of Improving Your Relationship
- Make sexual episodes spontaneous.
Avoid making your sex life routine. Try to make surprises for her. Instead of inviting her over everynight at the same
time in the same place do something different. Take her out and go to a lover's point and try it in the car or even outside if she's real kinky. Grab her while she's doing dishes or while she's on her lunch break. Find a time where neither of you are expecting it and creep your hand down her pants or something. She will be surprised but happy that you did it. - Have special day for your partner
Instead of having the same boring night it will be good to try to make a special night. Make a nice dinner or go out somewhere you haven't been to. When you come home, have candles, flowers, incense, etc. ready for the occassion and instead of jumping into intercourse. Make her feel special. Rub her all over with a smooth oil or even with your hands. Do your own initimate things with your lingerie or even those handcuffs. Let her relax while you pleasure her slowly and have a long period of foreplay before you get into your own passionate or wild sex night. - Make yourself look better
Making yourself look better can range from the way you dress to your style of dress or even your body. If you want to impress your woman friend, try improving yourself for her. If you know that all your clothes are old and you have holes in most of your shirts then maybe it's time to go shopping. She will appreciate it more than you. If you don't feel like spending that money and rather spend time then work out! It doesn't take that much to start noticing a difference and not only will it change your looks but it will alter your sex life. You will be able to last longer and pump harder. - Help your partner relax
Your and her life are most likely stressful. A way to improve your evenings alone and overall spirituality is to get rid of the unwanted stress. First, try helping her out to get rid of her stress to feel more at ease during your evening sex. Offer her help with her daily routine. (i.e. cooking, laundry, cleaning, homework, shopping or anything of the sort you can help with). After you remove some of her stress in this matter, encourage her to do something for herself. Give her a gift of money or certificate to give her time to go shopping. Give her a chance to get a manicure or massage or even money to buy lingerie or clothes. After all of this said and done, try making occassional romantic evenings and have her try on her lingerie for you. - Change the way you argue with her
Usually when you argue, you want to be right and usually when you try to be right, one of the two of you will be wrong thus making it a no win situation because someone will be wrong. Arguments are healthy for a relationship as long as it is an argument and doesn't turn into a uncontrolled fight. When neither of you are satisfied, it is the wrong situation to be in and these types of situations must be stopped. When you and your honey argue, try not to make it such a big deal and get out of the argument when both of you are satisfied and happy with the outcome. If one of you is feeling mad about it and not satisfied, it's always good to
apologize about it to make it better. Never let one of you go off while mad. This will just create an unhappy partner and a negative feeling. The outcomes of all the arguments will add up to the anger of the person over time as well. Control your arguments and even if you're right about something, it is better to give in than to make your partner feel bad. Have friendly "fights". Don't let the fights make you sleep on the couch.
Long Distance Relationships
Long distance relationships are always tough. You might have to wait long periods of time before even seeing your partner. This is a strong test on how your relationship will last mentally instead of physically. If you have a strong psychological bond with your partner you will have a much easier time than someone with a stronger physical relationship. You will also have to be able to trust the person greatly.
There are so many factors in long distance relationships. This article could be pages but most of our articles are kept short due to simplicity. Long distance relationships are known to fail almost all of the time because the partner will either move on, or get tired of not seeing their mate enough.
The final decision in this as all of the other tips is up to you, but it is suggested not to have a long distance relationship because of all the factors that will separate the couple anyway. We suggest you move on and start meeting new people.
In the case that you are in love, then hopefully the long distance relationship will not be for a long period of time. There are always things you could work out, but in most cases we found the best way to deal with a long distance relationship is to completely stop talking or slow talking down to friendly conversations.
How to Know a Relationship is Over
Sometimes it is hard to tell if the relationship is really over or if your just taking a break. If you broke up with her and you change your mind, it's also hard to tell if she wants you back. If it was a sudden breakup then the spark between you two has a good chance of still being there. There are always signs to help you understand where you stand. If it is not totally obvious to you, check out some of our hints:
- If she treats you differently than she treated you before...perhaps friendlier...then you know you're in the unescapable friend stage.
- If she starts talking about other guys with you.
- She insists on paying for herself.
- She wants to have group dates rather than individual dates with you.
- She says nothing when she knows you are talking to other women.
- If your relationship slowly deteriorated then the spark usually goes out for good.
- She doesn't seem excited to talk to you.
How to Know If She Is Interested
- She will touch you. It doesn't have to be a big touch. But just contact on the thigh or arm. However; women vary and if she is interested she might be too shy to touch you. That takes us to numero dos.
- She will compliment you. Again it might not be obvious and it also might just be friendly but be aware. The compliments might range from your clothes to your looks. Look into her eyes and try to read her. You can tell a lot if you pay attention. Hopefully she will compliment your nice cologne that you have. That is usually a good sign that shes interested.
- She'll ask many questions about you and possibly relationship related questions. That would be a dead giveaway. Be careful with your answers. Look at her reactions to your answers; you will know what she's thinking. She will ask many other questions as well possibly to test you or she is interested in what you have to say.
- She will indirectly ask you or give you the opportunity to ask her on another date. She might make a reference to doing something with you in the future. She might ask for your help with a school subject or work subject.
- At the end of the date, it is always good to pay attention too. If you try to kiss her and she let's you passively or turns her head so you kiss her cheek....uh oh. If she is comfortable with you and kisses you warmly then you might be in. If you're the shy type try at least kissing her cheek but don't back away after, stay close she might kiss you back or you might lock tongues!